Wacky world


  • The Wacky World Playground is by far the most popular playground at Wills Park because of it’s castle like size that sparks the imagination within the kids of all ages!
  • This mammoth structure consists of slides, monkey bars, bridges, towers and swings. There are also sandboxes on the wings for little ones to play out of the way of the bigger kids.




  • Right across from the outdoor basketball courts, behind the Recreation Center, is the ”Yellow Playground”.
  • This playground is great for smaller kids and is fully equipped with slides, swings, a balance beam,  and a tire spin.



  • As you walk behind the farthest ball field there is the “Purple Playground”.           
  • This playground has a canopy over top offering much needed shade in the summer, and is equipped with multilevel slides, swings,  and plenty of climbing.